This is about George the self appointed car park attender
in Sacramento, California.
and his Parking Meter
जॉर्ज अणी त्यंच पार्किंग मीटर
We were in USA
visiting our son for a few months. Most of the people there do not have the
habit of reading news papers. They get all information and news through their
mobile phones. Our son was not an exemption. But personally, I just do not
know how to handle a Smart-phone with any degree of comfort. I am accustomed
to reading the daily newspaper while sipping my morning cup of coffee. Can't
help it. It has become my habit. Deprived of this ritual, I was really out of
sorts in the first days of our visit. When I could no longer put up with this, I mentioned it to my son. "Oh,
Bapa, why didn’t you tell this to me
earlier ? I will arrange for your daily paper right away. It is no big
deal" was his response. Then and there he contacted "Sacramento
Bee", and arranged for a six month subscription. The "Bee" is
one of the oldest newspapers in the US, having been established more than 150
years back.
Early next morning
at 6, there was a thudding noise at the front door. My newspaper had arrived
Had a glance at the
Headlines in the first page. "Three Cheers ! George Is Back !!!"
Curious, I read the full report. George was a homeless beggar in Down-town
Sacramento. He was not to be seen for four months, it seems. But now he was
back. Really, a small matter. Did it deserve to be in the Headlines ?. Let me
tell you.
It was quite a
problem to get a parking slot in Down-town, For parking your car for 10
minutes you need to insert ten dollars in the parking-meter. George made it
his habit to hang around the parking meter. He knew that those who had
inserted ten dollars invariably turned up a few minutes late. But if you
inserted another 25 cents you could extend your time by another five minutes. If you didn't do it, you will have to pay double penalty ; ie, you would
end up paying 20 dollars more. George would insert his own 25 cents into the
parking meters which were ticking beyond 9 minutes, so that when the car owner came huffing and puffing, he would
see to his relief that the time has been extended by 5 minutes ! The grateful
chap would tip George half a dollar or one dollar. It was a win-win situation
for both ! George made a nice pile this way.
All of a sudden he
disappeared one day. But yesterday he came back after a four month gap and
that certainly called for a banner Headline !!! P.S. A couple of days before our return to India I asked our daughter-in-law to cancel the subscription. The Newspaper office wanted to know the reason for the cancellation and note it in their system. She asked me what she should tell them. I said, tell them "the newspaper was being bought for my father-in-law and that he was returning to India in a day or two". After about a year or so she got a call from the Sacramento Bee, enquiring whether her father-in-law has returned from India and if so, whether they can re-start the subscription ! Talk of Marketing !!
एकदा मह॑ लोंकाच बरोर थोड महिने राह्याकरतां अम्ही U S A ला गेलों. तिकडे पोणावांटा दनांसीं
न्यूस-पेपर घ्याच दंडक नाही. समाचार अग्गीन
मोबैल-फोणांत वाचून कळींगतील॑. मझ॑ लोंक
पणीं तसच॑. पण, स्मार्ट-फोण म्हणजे मला होईना. मला दिवसोडी पाष्टे कॉफी पीताना,
तज बरोर पेपर पणीं पह्जे. दंडक होऊन गेल॑.
पह्यिल॑ थोडक दिवस तरपडून गेलों. सोसाला होईनास्क॑
लोंकाला सांगिट्लों. "कां बापा, कां मला तम्हाच सांगटल नाहींत॑ ? हे काय एवढ॑ थोर विषय
का ? अत्ताच एर्पाड करून देतों" म्हण्टला. समेच, "साक्रमेंटो-बी" म्हणून एक न्यूस-पेपर
ऑफीसाला फोण करून सहा महिने पेपर घालाला व्यवस्था करूनटाकला. ते फार जुने समाचार-पत्र. दीडशें
वर्षाच पुढ॑ आरंभ केलते.
दुसर॑ दिवस पाष्टे बरोर सहा घंटेला घरच॑ बाहेरच॑ कवाडांत "धड"शी शब्द ऐकलों. मझ॑ पत्र येऊनगेल॑ !
पह्यिल॑ पानांत Head-line काय म्हणून पाह्यलों.
Three Cheers ! George is Back !!! म्हणून होत॑. काय विषय म्हणून पूरा वाचलों. George म्हणणार॑ तिकडल॑
down-town-णांतल॑ भीकारी. घरदार
काहीं नाहीतो. चार महिने तो कोठकी गेलहोता म्हणे. अता पर्तून आला.
ल्हान विषय. हे कां Head-line-आंत घाटले ? सांगतों.
डौण-टौणांत कार-पारकिंग मिळणे उदंड कष्ट॑. दहा मिनिट पार्क कराला दहा
डोळर पारकिंग-मीटरांत घालाम॑. George तिकडच केम्हाहीं गुंडाळींगून असल॑. तल कळल॑,
दहा मिनिट म्हणून कोणतरीन पारकिंग-मीटरांत दहा
डोळर घालूनटाकून गेलतर॑, वापस येताना एक-दोन मिनिट जास्तीच होईल म्हणून. दहा मिनिटाच आंत पंचवीस
सेन्ट त्यांत घाटलर॑, पुन्हा पांच मिनिट तिकडच पार्क करूया.
नाही घाटल॑ म्हणजे, दुगुणा दंड देम॑.
म्हणजे, वीस डोळर पुन्हा घालाम॑.
George काय करत होता म्हण्जे, नौ मिनिट होतानच
पारकिंग-मीटरांत पंचवीस सेन्ट तज पैसा घालूनटाकल॑. बंडीच मनुष पळून पळून येऊन पाह्ताना पांच मिनिटाच जास्ती समय मिळ्ळसाच पाह्यील॑.
अप्पाडा !! संतोषांत तो George-ला अर्ध डोळर की एक डोळर की देईल॑. Win-Win for both ! अस॑ George भरून पैसे करत होता.
असलास्क॑ असून तो एक दिवस कोठकी नापत्ता होऊनगेला. चार महिनेच नंतर॑ अत्ता, काल॑ वापस आला
म्हणे. हेच ते गांवाच थोर Head-line समाचार
!!! मागे लिव्हाच अम्ही वापस इंड्याला निघून येयाच दोन दिवसाच पुढे अम्च सब्स्क्रिप्षन राहते कराला न्यूस-पेपर ऑफीसाला फोण करून सांग म्हणून मी अम्च सूनाला सांगिटलों. काय कारणाकरतां सब्स्क्रिप्षन राहते करतों म्हणून त्यंच सिस्टमांत सूचना करांव अस॑ तेनी विचारतात, मी काय सांगू म्हणून तिन॑ विचारली. "मझ ससराकरतां अम्ही न्यूस-पेपर घेत होतों, अत्ता एक दोन दिवसांत तेनी इंड्याला पर्तून जातात, हेच कारण" अस॑ सांग म्हणट्लों. सुमार एक वर्षाच नंतर "तुम्च ससरा वापस आले का, आलाहेत म्हणजे पुन्हा पेपर घालुयाका" अस॑ साक्रमेंटो-बी ह्यंचकडून फोण आल॑ म्हणून तिन॑ बलावून सांगिट्ली ! मार्कटिंग म्हणजे हेच !! |
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